3 discussion posts
I recently installed TrayStatus on a new Windows 7 computer, and like it. However the computer has developed a problem booting which it didn't have before I installed TrayStatus. I don't think that TrayStatus is the cause of the problem, but I want to uninstall it to be sure. Trouble is Windows won't let me uninstall whilst TrayStatus is running, and I can't stop it running. I removed the desktop icon.
3 discussion posts
Thanks, Keith.
I have now uninstalled TrayStatus, and my computer boots easily. I believe I know why it didn't boot with TrayStatus installed: the computer has an indicator which illuminates when tha hard disk is being accessed, for example on booting. TrayStatus also has a feature enabled (by default, I believe) which detects disk activity, so appears to interfere with the bios and inhibit booting.
So my question, now,, is: if I re-install TrayStatus and disable the default option which detects disk activity, will I be able to use TrayStatus without the booting problems?
3 discussion posts
Thanks again. Computers can be difficult!